Common Challenges to an Online Board Meeting

A board meeting that is online is a good way to keep your board members interested and make decisions without the time and expense of traveling. However certain issues can affect the efficiency of your meetings, and can hinder the productivity of your board.

Disconnections. Remote participants may have trouble connecting to a virtual conference, as opposed to those who attend in person. This might not be a huge how to choose a new ceo issue however it could create a feeling of disconnection as well as lower engagement levels. Make sure you provide a video conferencing system that is user-friendly and has high-quality audio.

Inadequate documentation. A vital aspect of a board meeting is taking minutes, which must be clear and accurate. The minutes-taker should keep a record of all discussions and decision-making verbatim to avoid confusion later on. You should also consider investing in a system for document management that lets you securely share and manage documents and meeting materials.

The board members are not involved in a significant way. The camaraderie and conversation that occur in person between board members can be difficult to replicate online. Try adding breaks, icebreakers, or even a game, to your meeting.

Time constraints. One of the main drawbacks for a meeting that is online is the limited amount of time available to discuss every item on the agenda. Make sure you have set the appropriate time for each discussion and stick to it. Also, try not to overburden your directors with boring subjects that are difficult to discuss.

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